Photo by Motaz. |
Example: the verb: (to) write يكتب "yaktob"
We write نحن نكتب "nahno naktob". Notice adding the letter ن to the begining.
He writes هو يكتب
She writes هي تكتب
I write أنا أكتب "ana aktob"
The past tense is wrote كتب "kataba"
The imperative form of the verb write is اكتب "oktob" or in Egyptian Arabic "Ekteb". Most verbs are pronounced like the latter (like Egyptian Arabic) in the imperative form even in standard Arabic and other dialects. Examples: إفهم "Efham" (both standtard Fus-ha and other dialects).
Arabic verbs list: (in present tense):
Run يجري (yajry)
See يرى (yara)
Sit down يجلس (yajles)
Enter يدخل (yadkhol)
Call (on the phone) يتصل (yatasel)
Ride يركب (yarkab)
Smell يشم (yashom)
Hear يسمع (yasmaa)
Taste يتذوق (yatathawaq) "th as in the"
Use يستعمل (yastaamel)
Pay يدفع (yadfaa)
Stand up يقف (yaqef)
Write يكتب (yaktob)
Read يقرأ (yaqraa)
Cut يقطع (yaqtaa)
Eat يأكل (yaakol)
Drink يشرب (yashrab)
Choose يختار (yakhtar)
Come يأتي (yaati)
Book (a ticket) يحجز (yahjez)
Carry يحمل (yahmel)
Hit يضرب (yadreb)
Drive يقود (yaqood)
Scream يصرخ (yasrokh)
Take a photo يصور (yosawer)
Walk يمشي (yamshy)
Sleep ينام (yanam)
Sing يغني (yoghanni)
Ask (a question) يسأل (yasaal)
Ask for يطلب (yatlob)
Get out يخرج (yakhroj)
Feel يشعر (yashoor)
Tell يقول (yaqool)
Work يعمل (yaamal)
Watch يشاهد (yoshahed)
Talk يتكلم (yatakallam)
Fight يتشاجر (yatashajar)
Buy يشتري (yashtary)
Sell يبيع (yabea)
Shut down يغلق (yoghleq)
Visit يزور (yazoor)
Steal يسرق (yasreq)
Cheat يغش (yaghosh)
Love يحب (yoheb)
Remember يتذكر (yatathakar)
Look at ينظر (yanzor)
Help يساعد (yosaaed)
Play يلعب (yalaab)
Drive يقود (yaqood)
Play (music) يعزف (yaazef)
I hope you like this list of Arabic verbs. If you need more verbs added feel free to add them in the comments section "add your thoughts".
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الفصحى أم العامية مصري؟
الفصحى :)