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Practice Arabic writing online

This post in intended for people who can write some Arabic and want to practice their writing. As with speaking, these language skills vanish quickly if you don't use them. You can read millions of websites in Arabic whether it is news, information, social or personal blogs, etc. To practice writing there are so many online communities, websites and forums where you can get into discussions and create contact with people. This might be a good chance for you to practice you Arabic writing skills.

While doing this, try not to focus on one subject, discuss and write about different topics and you will also learn many new vocabulary during the process. In this post I want to point out to 2 of the best online communities for learning languages including Arabic:

The first one it, at this website you can ask questions, start discussions with many Arabic native speakers and learners. You can also write posts (essays, stories, whatever) and ask people to tell you what they think about your writing.

The other website is which is designed solely for people learning a certain language so that they could write posts and native speakers could correct their mistakes in each line of the post, comment on their writing and give suggestions. What I like about Lang-8 is that they are just focusing on one aspect and the site is specially designed for this. The community there is very helpful and supporting. Give it a try.

I hope this was useful.

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