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Arabic short and long vowels

Arabic short and long vowels can be confusing for some beginners, they are also called "diacritics" by some. Short vowels are basically little symbols or marks above or below letters that determine the way this letter is pronounced and connected with the surrounding letters.
Vowels are of special importance for those who want to learn to read the Quran and sometimes it is used as a way to exercise.

They also determine the position of the word (subject, object, etc) and have so much to do with grammar but this isn't important at the beginners' stage. I found these 2 videos on youtube by a girl called Maha whome I think has succeeded in describing the topic in a very simple way. The important thing to remember is that you should practice a lot, try reading and spelling paragraphs in Arabic and also try to watch the related videos if you can.

Good luck :).

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